The Gambit
Click for more information on Tim Kent
Slag Contemporary Gallery is proud to present “THE GAMBIT”, a solo show featuring works by Brooklyn based artist, Tim Kent.
Bound together in a visually spectral narrative merging cross-referential complexities à la Borges with metaphorical vividness and chess references à la Nabokov, Tim Kent's new body of oil paintings tell an enigmatic tale of objects and interiors that subtly shimmer with time-tarnished illustriousness; of an heir who is at best indirectly apparent; of a steed that has long since shed its bridling; of a MacGuffin-like heirloom that sparkles and looms; of an anonymous knight whose portrait, pendent in the backdropped midst of the series' keystone work, is the lone human visage throughout so many rooms. Distributed over large chapter-scale horizontals and smaller, paragraphic square canvases, Kent's compositions point back and forth to one another via schematized precisions suspended in voids, or via chimeric presences softly defying their matrices, such that transfixed onlookers might well wonder forever what might be appearing, or disappearing, in those chambers. The Gambit is a lush pictorial legend in which viewers themselves become now protagonists, now pawns, now sleuths, now voyeurs. — Paul D'Agostino
Tim Kent received his MFA from University of Sussex at West Dean College, UK and his BFA in Art History/Studio Art from Hunter College CUNY, NY.
Kent’s solo exhibitions include: “The Best of Times”, Moncrieff Bray Gallery, London, UK
“All That is Solid Melts Into Air”, Factory Fresh, Brooklyn, NY, “Camera to Camera”, Moncrieff Bray Gallery, Petworth, UK, “Transience of Being”, Queen Street Gallery, Chichester, UK. In 2012, he was part of several group shows at Whitney Museum GREY AREA Instagram Project and Studio Party; Theriomorphous Entourage, Centotto Galleria; Brooklyn, NY ; Courtesy Roman Abramovich: The First Unveiling, Centotto Galleria; Brooklyn, NY