These books are paintings.
- Stella Waitzkin
Words are lies. I make the books to get away from the word. When I make the books, I feel like I’m telling folk stories; it’s all there inside the book. You don’t have to necessarily read it, see, because you already know the whole thing by heart.
- Stella Waitzkin
Currently I'm working with rejects. The whole idea behind the sculpting process that I do is connected with a social problem of what to do with recycling rejects. Well, from the very beginning I was involved with objects that were thrown away. How to make ugly things beautiful, or destroy beautiful things and then redo them; I worked towards a more conscious rearrangement of the visual properties of whatever the object was that I was making. Actually, you might say they were transforming objects.
- Stella Waitzkin (1971)
Just as color, form, and space can be manipulated on canvas and in sculpture, so it is with the written and spoken word. I communicate best visually because I see more than I hear. And in this way I tell stories by combining painting and sculpture. The works called ‘Details of a Lost Library’ are collections of short stories and essays, novels, encyclopedias, and dictionaries-all without words. These books are the containers of my energy.
- Stella Waitzkin (1994)