(b. 1986, Lagos, Nigeria)                             



2019     Master of Art (Painting Program) - Royal College of Art, London UK

2009     Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) - Long Island University (C.W post campus), NY



2024     Maryland Art Place presents Osaretin Ugiagbe, Hotel Indigo Baltimore, MD

2023     A View From Amman, SLAG&RX, New York, NY

2022     Duo Show with Hiva Alizadeh, The Flat/Sarahcrown booth, UNTITLED Art, Miami Beach, FL

2021     Untitled Art fair Miami Beach - Art Basel. Represented by Sarah Crown NY / The Flat Massimo Carrasi IT

2017     Un-belonging - Bronx Documentary Center, Bronx, NY



2023     Nel Grembo Materno, Boccanera Gallery curated by Giorgia Lucchi Boccanera. Trento, IT

             Art Verona, Represented by Sarah Crown, Verona, IT

             Dallas ArtFair, represented by Sarah Crown, Dallas, TX

2021     WITHIN, curated by Sarah Crown, The Yard – Columbus Circle, New York, NY          

2020     FBA futures, Mall Galleries, London, UK                                                                  

2019     Travers Smith CSR program, London, UK 

             Royal College of Art Painting Degree Show, London, UK 

             Painting from the Other Side, curated by Shannon Forrester (Ph.D.) – Dyson Gallery, London, UK                                                                      

2018     Taohuatan, Southern Anhui, CN                           

              De Cacaofabriek - A New York State of Mind - Stories from the Unusual Suspects, Helmond, NL
             Africa and African Identity Through the Eyes of African Artists, Yale's African Initiative, New Haven, CT

             RCA WIP Show, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2016     Jerome Avenue Workers, Bronx Photo League, Brooklyn, NY 

             The Bronx Speaks: Our Home - Bronx Art Space, Bronx, NY

             Bronx: Africa co-curated by LeRonn Brooks, Longwood Art Gallery, Bronx, NY 

2015     Intersecting Imaginaries - No Longer Empty, Bronx Photo League - Concourse Plaza Hotel, Bronx, NY

             Jerome Avenue Workers - Bronx Photo League - Vasquez Muffler, Bronx, NY

             Fragments of a Chronology , Tracie Hervy collaboration with Osaretin Ugiagbe, Video

             Bronx Museum of the Arts (Bronx Aim Program), Bronx, NY                                               

2014     Five from 150 - Longwood Art Gallery, Bronx, NY

             Bronx X Bronx - Bronx Documentary Center, Bronx, NY                                           

2011     Brooklyn Art Space: 50/50, Brooklyn, NY



Exit #68 Street Photography Editorial: Productions of Art and Thought, S.L. (November 2017)

Jerome Ave (Bronx Photo League) 136 pages 93 black-and-white images Hardcover, linen-bound.

Columbia Journal Review March/April 2015 Vol. 54 Issue 1, p6-9. 3p. 1 Color Photograph.

Literature & fiction book titled: Stillborn by Diekoye Oyeyinka. Cover by Osaretin Ugiagbe. Published by East African Educational Publishers (July 17, 2014)



Travers Smith CSR program, London U.K (2019)

Duro Olowu Picks the Best Street Style from Frieze London and 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair for American Vogue

A cameo for "Young Documentarians” by Gareth Smith for the New York Times, (2017)

Five Journal, (March 2017)

Code Unknown collaboration with Tracie Hervy Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY



The Brooklyn Rail: Osaretin Ugiagbe: A View From Amman (2023)

Artisti, Galleristi, Art Advisors: L’Italia A Art Basel Miami (2021).

Elephant Art: The London MFA Shows: Art in a World on the Edge of Change (2019).

Hostos Community College: 10 Questions with Osaretin Ugiagbe (2019).

Financial Times: Snapshot; Unbelonging by Osaretin Ugiagbe (2017).

New York Times: Of the Bronx and of Nigeria (2017).

PDN Online: A Split View of New York and Lagos (2017). 

Okay Africa: From Lagos to the Bronx, Photographer Osaretin Ugiagbe Documents the In-Between (2017).

Africa is a Country: The World of Photographer Osaretin Ugiagbe (2017).

FOX 5: Photographer Osaretin Ugiagbe’s Exhibit (2017).

Exit-Express: Unbelonging de Osaretin Ugiagbe (2017).

Mott Haven Herald: Debut Exhibit Shows an Artist with a Foot in Two Worlds (2017).

Bronxnet: Artist Talk Osaretin Ugiagbe (2017).

CBS: The Best of NY’s PopUp Photo Festival (2016).

The Village Voice: The Most Striking Images to See at Photoville (2016).

Photoville: The Battle of the Borough (2016).

The Riverdale Press: In the Bronx Home is Where the Art is (2016).

New York Daily News: Longwood Arts Projects Celebrates Africa (2015). 

New York Times: Bracing for Gentrification (2016).

Columbia Journal Review: Letters to the Editors (2015).

Columbia Journal Review: Drawing Inspiration from the South Bronx (2015).



2019- 2020        Travers Smith CSR Program Winner, London, UK



2017     Girl in White Lace (Lagos, Nigeria) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX 



2018     Tao Hua Tan, International Spring Artist Retreat and Painting Residence Xuancheng town, Jungian County in southern Anhui, CN


ARTIST TALK/LECTURE                                 

2019     The Ruskin School of Art – University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

2017     Un-belonging: Moderated by Stephanie Baptist, Bronx Documentary Center, Bronx, NY