"RULE OF FIVE" - 522 W 19th Street, New York

"RULE OF FIVE" - 522 W 19th Street, New York

October 13, 2024 to November 02, 2024
SLAG&RX proudly presents Rule of Five presenting one work each from distinguished artists Chellis Baird, Tirtzah Bassel, Luiza Gottschalk, Tamara Kostianovsky, and Naomi Safran-Hon. The conceptual underpinning of this exhibition serves as a testament to the integration of diverse viewpoints, representations, and methodologies within the realm of contemporary painting.
"LITTLE DEATHS" - Rue des Quatre Fils, Paris

"LITTLE DEATHS" - Rue des Quatre Fils, Paris

October 14, 2023 to November 17, 2023
RX&SLAG is delighted to present Little Deaths a solo exhibition featuring recent works by Tirtzah Bassel. This is Bassel's first solo show at RX&SLAG, Paris.
"CANON IN DRAG" - 522 West 19th Street, New York
tirtzah bassel

"CANON IN DRAG" - 522 West 19th Street, New York

October 27, 2022 to December 03, 2022
“Why have there been so few great male artists?” Canon in Drag imagines a Western art canon that evolved in a fictional world where the patriarchy never existed. It includes a series of paintings in the styles of iconic works, subverted through gender flipping and altered narratives. It asks: what would our world look like if we grounded it in a different set of origin stories? In response, it evokes a dramatic and self-conscious performance of gender and a re-envisioning of the so-called “Canon” of art history.
"SCAPES" - 522 West 19th Street, New York
Tirtzah Bassel Lucy Fradkin Sandro Kopp Tamara Kostianovsky Yumiko Ono Walter Price Marius Ritiu Naomi Safran-Hon Mircea Suciu Paul Vogeler Paul Wesenberg Alida Wilkinson

"SCAPES" - 522 West 19th Street, New York

July 29, 2021 to August 28, 2021
Slag Contemporary is pleased to announce the opening of "Scapes", featuring painting, sculpture, works on paper and installation by Tirtzah Bassel, Lucy Fradkin, Sandro Kopp, Tamara Kostianovsky, Yumiko Ono, Walter Price, Marius Ritiu, Naomi Safran-Hon, Mircea Suciu, Paul Vogeler, Paul Wesenberg, and Alida Wilkinson. Slag Gallery also presents a new outdoor sculpture by artist Dumitru Gorzo.
Tirtzah Bassel


February 08, 2019 to March 10, 2019
Slag Gallery is pleased to present Close One Eye, a new body of work by Tirtzah Bassel. This exhibition is the artist's second solo exhibition at Slag Gallery. Tirtzah Bassel's paintings are glimpses of life in public that concentrate the politics of space. In the works featured in Close One Eye, the artist renders ideology and power through color and composition with candid, humanistic depictions of everyday actions in shared spaces. Conceived through observation, they reveal their energy through disparate color juxtapositions combined with perspective shifts and figuration that redefine the viewer's connection with the works' subjects.
Tirtzah Bassel and Dumitru Gorzo


April 24, 2015 to May 31, 2015
Slag Gallery is pleased to present RITES, an exhibition featuring the latest works of Brooklyn-based artists Tirtzah Bassel and Dumitru Gorzo.
The Line Starts Here
Tirtzah Bassel

The Line Starts Here

April 11, 2014 to May 11, 2014
Alternating between frustration and resignation, composure and escapism, Bassel’s figures embody the challenge of negotiating these spaces of waiting and perhaps the desire to make meaning of a momentary relinquishing of control. Bassel enacts the art of painting as a confluence of deeply observed surroundings and the material exploration of the paint itself.